A Severe Case of Sepsis — Right Information at Right Time

I wanted to share my story with you on how the Owlet helped my baby boy and in hopes to raise sepsis awareness.
Late on a Sunday night, we had a red notification. My son’s oxygen level was below 80 and his heart rate was also high. He had been sound asleep with no other symptoms, but thanks to the Owlet app, I woke him up to check on him. My son was very pale and had a minor fever of 99. I decided to call the on-call nurse. If I hadn’t had the oxygen and heart rate measurements from the Owlet, the nurse said she would have told me to keep an eye on him from home. With everything combined though, she recommended I get him to the pediatric ER. By the time we got there 15 minutes later, his fever had spiked to 102. He was already septic.
We were told over and over by the ER doctor, PICU doctor, and nurses that we got him there exactly when we needed to before things got too serious. The on-call nurse’s words repeatedly ring through my head. She would have just told me to “keep an eye” on my septic 2-month-old baby without the Owlet data. I’m so grateful we had the Owlet.